Saturday, November 23, 2019

Halloween Vocabulary in Spanish

Halloween Vocabulary in Spanish Are you celebrating Halloween? With this vocabulary list, you can do it in Spanish. la araà ±a - spider. la bruja - witch. Much like the English word, bruja can also be used to refer to a strongly disliked woman. el brujo - wizard, sorcerer. la calabaza - pumpkin. This word can also refer to various kinds of gourds, such as a calabash. la casa embrujada - haunted house. Embrujado is the past participle of embrujar, usually translated as to bewitch. el diablo - devil. The English and Spanish words come from the same Latin source. Note the similarity with diabolical. el disfraz - costume or disguise. el duende - goblin. The word can refer to various kinds of magical creatures such as elves and imps. A person who has a certain kind of magic or charm about him or her can be said to tener duende. los dulces, los caramelos - candy. As an adjective, dulce is simply the word for sweet. And while caramelo can refer to caramel, it most often refers to candies in general. Caramelo is probably related to miel, the word for honey. el esqueleto - skeleton. el fantasma - ghost. Like most other words of Greek origin that end in -ma, fantasma is masculine, making an exception to the rule that nouns ending in -a are typically feminine. el gato negro - black cat. el hechizo - spell (as from a witch). The word can also refer to a persons charm. The verb form, meaning to cast a spell, is hechizar. la jack-o-lantern - jack-o-lantern. The decoration can also be described as a calabaza iluminada, lighted pumpkin. la magia - magic. Something magical is mgico. la mscara - mask. This is the source of the English mascara. la momia - mummy. The English and Spanish come from an Arabic word referring to an embalmed body. el murcià ©lago - bat (the animal that flies). This word is derived from the Latin mouse (rat) and caecus (blind), so its original meaning was blind mouse. Noche de Brujas - Halloween. The phrase literally translates as Witches Night, and Dà ­a de Brujas, Witches Day, is also used. It also is very common in the United States and some other areas with U.S. influence to use Halloween. el superhà ©roe, la superheroà ­na - superhero. In modern usage, it is not unusual to hear  the form la superhà ©roe  for a female superhero. la telaraà ±a - cobweb, spider web. This is a combination of two words, tela, usually referring to fabric, and araà ±a, the word for spider. In a different context, telaraà ±a can also refer to a net (such as one for catching fish) or a tangle of cables, strings or similar items. truco o trato - trick or treat. The English phrase is often used as well. Truco is often translated as trick, such as a trick of the trade or a magic trick. Trato, on the other hand, normally is a contract or agreement. It doesnt mean treat, although it can mean treatment when it refers to the way someone treats someone else. el vampiro, la vampira - vampire. The word probably came from Hungarian. el/la zombi - zombie. The English spelling is sometimes used.

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